Getting Started

Shellflow was designed for rapid developing of research workflow. If you can write bash script, you don’t have to learn a lot of new syntax. Only You have to add brackets to annotate which files are input or output.

Before starting tutorial

In this tutorial, softwares listed in below are required.

Data listed in below are also required.

  • Reference genome (for example: hs37d5)
  • BWA index of the reference genome (bwa index hs37d5.fa)
  • Sequence Dictionary File of the reference genome (gatk --java-options "-Xmx4G" CreateSequenceDictionary -R hs37d5.fa)
  • Some sequnece data (for example: DRR002191)

1st step: mapping

A syntax of shellflow script is very similar to bash shell script. All you have to do is enclose input files with double parenthesis ((( and ))) and output files with double brackets ([[ and ]]). You can use pipe and redirect in workflow script like usual shell script.

Content of gettingstarted.sf

bwa mem -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc ((DRR002191_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc ((DRR002191_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[DRR002191.sam]]
$ shellflow run gettingstarted.sf

2nd step: check status

$ shellflow viewlog
  #|  State|Success|Failed|Running|Pending|File Changed|Start Date         |Name
  1|   Done|      1|     0|      0|      0|         Yes|2018/10/14 15:00:48|step1.sf
$ shellflow viewlog 1
Workflow Script Path: /home/okamura/Documents/Programming/GO/workspace/src/
   Workflow Log Path: shellflow-wf/20181014-145901.507-step1.sf-1103fc92-e078-4e47-a316-62c4f16cb935
           Job Start: 2018/10/14 15:00:48
 Changed Input Files:
---- Job: 1 ------------
             State: JobDone
         Exit code: 0
          Reusable: No
            Script: bwa mem -t 6 hs37d5.fa DRR002191_1.fastq.bz2 DRR002191_2.fastq.bz2 > DRR002191.sam
             Input: DRR002191_1.fastq.bz2 DRR002191_2.fastq.bz2
            Output: DRR002191.sam
 Dependent Job IDs:
     Log directory: shellflow-wf/20181014-145901.507-step1.sf-1103fc92-e078-4e47-a316-62c4f16cb935/job001
$ ls shellflow-wf/20181014-145901.507-step1.sf-1103fc92-e078-4e47-a316-62c4f16cb935/job001
input.json  local-run-pid.txt  output.json  rc  run.stderr  run.stdout  script.stderr  script.stdout

3rd step: add more commands

When you want to add a new command depends on previous command, add new line at last. Shellflow automatically judge which commands depend on other commands. Unlike Makefile, shellflow assumes all dependent commands can be found before a command line.

bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:DRR002191\tSM:DRR002191\tPL:illumina\tLB:DRR002191" -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc ((DRR002191_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc ((DRR002191_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[DRR002191.sam]]
gatk SortSam -I ((DRR002191.sam)) -O [[DRR002191-sorted.bam]] --SORT_ORDER coordinate
gatk MarkDuplicates -I ((DRR002191-sorted.bam)) -O [[DRR002191-markdup.bam]] -M [[DRR002191-markdup-metrics.txt]]
gatk BaseRecalibrator --known-sites ((common_all_20180423.vcf.gz)) -I ((DRR002191-markdup.bam)) -O [[DRR002191-bqsr.txt]] -R hs37d5.fa

Shellflow runs only added commands.

$ shellflow run gettingstarted.sf

4th step: use variable

If a line starts with #%, the line is parsed as flowscript, which is embedded language of shellflow.

#% SAMPLE_ID = "DRR002191"
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tSM:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tPL:illumina\tLB:{{SAMPLE_ID}}" -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam]]
gatk SortSam -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam]] --SORT_ORDER coordinate
gatk MarkDuplicates -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam]] -M [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup-metrics.txt]]
gatk BaseRecalibrator --known-sites ((common_all_20180423.vcf.gz)) -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-bqsr.txt]] -R hs37d5.fa

5th step: use loop

for SAMPLE_ID in DRR002191 DRR002192; do
    bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tSM:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tPL:illumina\tLB:{{SAMPLE_ID}}" -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam]]
    gatk SortSam -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam]] --SORT_ORDER coordinate
    gatk MarkDuplicates -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam]] -M [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup-metrics.txt]]
    gatk BaseRecalibrator --known-sites ((common_all_20180423.vcf.gz)) -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-bqsr.txt]] -R hs37d5.fa
#% SAMPLES = ["DRR002191", "DRR002192"]
for SAMPLE_ID in {{SAMPLES}}; do
    bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tSM:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tPL:illumina\tLB:{{SAMPLE_ID}}" -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam]]
    gatk SortSam -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam]] --SORT_ORDER coordinate
    gatk MarkDuplicates -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam]] -M [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup-metrics.txt]]
    gatk BaseRecalibrator --known-sites ((common_all_20180423.vcf.gz)) -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-bqsr.txt]] -R hs37d5.fa

6th step: map all FASTQ in a directory

for FILENAME in *_1.fastq.bz2; do
    #% SAMPLE_ID = basename(FILENAME, "_1.fastq.bz2")
    bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tSM:{{SAMPLE_ID}}\tPL:illumina\tLB:{{SAMPLE_ID}}" -t 6 hs37d5.fa <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_1.fastq.bz2))) <(bzip2 -dc (({{SAMPLE_ID}}_2.fastq.bz2))) > [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam]]
    gatk SortSam -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}.sam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam]] --SORT_ORDER coordinate
    gatk MarkDuplicates -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-sorted.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam]] -M [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup-metrics.txt]]
    gatk BaseRecalibrator --known-sites ((common_all_20180423.vcf.gz)) -I (({{SAMPLE_ID}}-markdup.bam)) -O [[{{SAMPLE_ID}}-bqsr.txt]] -R hs37d5.fa